StoryCorps Shorts: Father Mychal's Blessing
Special | 4m 32sVideo has Closed Captions
Remembering the September 11 victim who died praying for others.
Remembering the September 11 victim who died praying for others.
Major funding for POV is provided by PBS, The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, the Wyncote Foundation, Reva & David Logan Foundation, the Open Society Foundations and the...

StoryCorps Shorts: Father Mychal's Blessing
Special | 4m 32sVideo has Closed Captions
Remembering the September 11 victim who died praying for others.
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Providing Support for PBS.org
Learn Moreabout PBS online sponsorshipLa bendición de Padre MychalPadre Mychal Judge era un frailefranciscano y capellán para elDepartamento de Bomberosde la ciudad de Nueva York.El 11 de septiembre de 2001,llegó al Centro Mundial deComercio poco después delimpacto del primer avión y muriócuando la Torre Sur se derrumbó.Padre Mychal se convirtió en elprimer muerto confirmadode los atentados del 11-S. Su amigo y hermano franciscanoPadre Michael Duffyvino a StoryCorps pararecordar el sermón que dioen el funeral de Padre Mychal.Father Michael Duffy: We Franciscans are a little odd and one of our oddities is, there's a form we fill out Padre Michael Duffy:Nosotros franciscanos somosun poco raro y una de nuestrasrarezas es, hay un formulario and it's called "On My Death."
que llenamos y sellama "Al morirme".
It says where you want your funeral mass to be, who you Dice el lugar donde prefierestener tu misa de cuerpo want to do the homily, and et cetera like that.
presente, quien quieres quehaga el sermón y etcétera, así.
So, 9/11 happened on a Tuesday.
Pues, 11-S fue un martes.
Well, the next day the phone rang and it was our provincial in New York.
Bueno, al día siguientesonó el teléfono y era nuestro And he said, "Mychal wanted you to do the homily."
provincial en Nueva York.
And I said, "Well, yes, but this is different.
Y él dijo, "Mychal queríaque tú hicieras el sermón".Y dije, "Bueno, sí,pero esto es diferente.
It should be someone with a little more import.
Debería ser alguienmás importante.
So, I think you should do it."
And there was a long pause.
Creo que usted lodebería hacer".
And he said, "But Mychal wanted you."
Y hubo una pausa muy larga.Y él dijo, "PeroMychal quería tú".
So, I mean, what are you going to say to that?
ARCHIVAL TAPE : "Family and friends of Mychal Judge.
O sea qué se puede decir a eso?
Good morning everyone..." I said to myself, when I see Mychal I'm going to kill him.
ARCHIVO DE GRABACION: "Familiay amigos de Mychal Judge.Buenos días a todos..." (Laughs) ARCHIVAL TAPE "I stand in front of you and honestly feel that the homilist at Mother Teresa's funeral Me dije que cuando yo vea aMychal me lo voy a matar.
(ríe) had it easier than I do."
There were 3,000 people at his funeral.
ARCHIVO DE GRABACION:"Estoyparado enfrente de ustedes The church wasn't big enough to hold them, they were outside.
y honestamente sientoque el homilista del funeral Bill Clinton was there, Hillary Clinton, all New York.
de Madre Teresa lotenía más fácil que yo".Hubo 3.000 personasen este funeral.
And the moment arrived, I stood up, and I reached in to get my La iglesia no tenía espaciosuficiente para todos,estaban afuera.Bill Clinton estuvo allí.Hillary Clinton,toda Nueva York.Y llegó el momento,me paré y cogí mis gafas... glasses... and couldn't get to the pocket because y no pude sacarlasde mi bolsillo my vestment was covering them.
porque mis vestimentaslo cubrían.
Thank goodness I'd practiced it because I couldn't read it!
Gracias a Dios yo habíapracticado el sermónporque no lo podía leer.
He loved to bless people.
And I mean physically, even if they didn't ask!
Le gustaba bendecir a la gentefísicamente, aún si no se pedía.
A little old lady would come up to him, and he put his big, Una viejita se acercaría a él yél apretaba su cabeza con sus thick Irish hands and press the head till I think the poor woman grandes y gruesas manosirlandesas hasta queaplastaba a la pobre mujer.
would be crushed Everyone thought Mychal Judge Todos pensaban que MychalJudge era su mejor amigo.was their best friend.
He'd remember significant things in their life and he would write El recordaba cosas importantesde sus vidas y los escribía una a little note -- just one or two lines.
nota breve -- solouna o dos frases.
Of course, they'd write him back.
Por supuesto, le escribían.
So, he had a big black satchel filled with letters to answer.
Entonces, él tenía unacartera negra enormellena con cartas no contestadas.
ARCHIVAL TAPE "He would say to me once and a while, 'Michael Duffy' -- he always called me by my full name -- 'Michael Duffy, ARCHIVAL TAPE"El me decía devez en cuando, 'Michael Duffy -- you know what I need?'
And I would get excited because siempre me llamaba pormi nombre completo -- ' it was hard to buy him a present or anything.
I said, 'No, what?'
'You know what I really need?'
Michael Duffy, sabeslo que necesito?
'Y yo me emocionabaporque era difícil 'No, what Mike?'
'Absolutely nothing.
comprarle un regalo o algo.Dije, 'No, qué?
'Sabes lo que yo realmentenecesito?'
'No, qué cosa Mike?
''Absolutamente nada.
I don't need a thing in the world.
No me hace faltanada en este mundo.
I am the happiest man on the face of the earth.
Soy el hombre más contentoen la faz de la tierra.
Why am I so blessed?
I don't deserve it.'
Mychal Judge's body was the first one Por qué estoy tan bendecido?No lo merezco'.El cuerpo de Mychal Judge fueel primero soltado de Zona Cero.
released from Ground Zero.
Su certificado de defuncióntiene el número uno His death certificate has the number one on the top.
puesto en la parte de arriba.
Of the thousands of people who perished in that terrible De las miles de personasque murieron en ese horrible holocaust, why was Mychal Judge number one?
holocausto, por quéfue Mychal número uno?
And I think I know the reason: Mychal's goal and purpose in Y creo que sé la razón.La meta y el propósito de lavida de Mychal eran traer a los life was to bring the firemen to the point of death so they would bomberos al punto de la muertepara que pudieran conocer be ready to meet their maker.
a su creador.
Mychal Judge could not have ministered to them all.
No hubiera sido posiblepara Mychal ocuparse de todos.
It was physically impossible -- in this life.
No era posible físicamente-- en esta vida.
In the next few weeks we're going to have name after name En las próximas semanastendremos nombre tras nombre of people who are being brought out of that rubble.
de personas sacadasde esos escombros.
And Mychal Judge is going to be on the other side of death Y Mychal Judge estará alotro lado de la muertepara saludarlas,en vez de enviarlas allá.
to greet them, instead of send them there.
And so, this morning we come to bury Mike Judge's body, Y entonces, esta mañanavenimos a enterrarel cuerpo de Mike Judgepero no su espíritu.
but not his spirit.
We come to bury his voice, but not his message.
Venimos a enterrar su voz,pero no su mensaje.
We come to bury his hands, bu t not his good works.
Venimos a enterrar sus manos,pero no sus buenas obras.
We come to bury his heart, but not his love.
Venimos a enterrar su corazón,pero nunca su amor.
Never his love."
Major funding for POV is provided by PBS, The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, the Wyncote Foundation, Reva & David Logan Foundation, the Open Society Foundations and the...